2. Blessed art Thou O Lord - Kiev Pechersky Lavra (E) midi 12/26/06
3. With the Souls of the Righteous - Solomena (E) midi 01/27/05
4. With the Souls of the Righteous - Pskov Chant (E) midi 08/09/06
5. With the Souls of the Righteous - Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra Chant (E) midi 07/09/08
6. Kontakion and Ikos - Bakhmetev (E) midi 07/30/14
7. Canon - Bakhmetev (E) no midi available 07/30/14
8. Canon - By the Waves of the Sea Podoben (E) midi - Kontakion only 04/06/2016
9. Blessed art Thou, O Lord (E) Tone 5 { Complete } [ Adapted W. Shymansky ] midi 08/10/2018
10. Panikhida (E) All Troparia - Canon: Znamenny Chant [Adapted by W. Shymansky] midi 08/24/2018
1. Thrice Holy - Burial - Archangelsky (E) 08/06/05
2. PSALM 90 (Text)
3. PSALM 50 (Text)
4. Canon - Lesser Znamenny 07/13/06
5. Hymns of St John the Monk - 8 Tones (E) 08/06/05
7. Beatitudes - Tone 6 - Podoben: "My Most Gracious Queen" midi 05/27/06
8. Beatitudes (Refrain) Carpatho-Russian Melody midi 05/27/06
10. Alleluia and Litany (E) wav 10/2/2014
11. Burial of a Priest - Music 10/14/14
12. Burial of a Priest or Bishop During Bright Week - Rubrics 10/14/14
13. Burial of a Layman During Bright Week - Rubrics 10/14/14
14. Funeral Service of Layperson during Bright Week (No music) 04/19/2015
15. Requiem Service of Layperson during Bright Week 04/22/2015
16. Arch. M. Vinogradov (E) {The Last Kiss} - midi 03/30/2017
17. Arch. M. Vinogradov (E) {Blessed Are They} - midi 03/30/2017
18. Arch. M. Vinogradov (S) {Blessed Are They} - midi 03/30/2017
19. Exaposteilarion (E) Funeral of a Priest - Znamenny Chant {Arr. Fr. J. Erickson } midi 06/07/2018
20. Thou only art immortal (E) Arch. M. Vinogradov {Adpt. D. Johnson } midi 07/26/2018
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